MediaWiki is a collaboration and documentation platform brought to you by a vibrant community.

Revision as of 21:38, 15 August 2005 by (talk)

Welcome to MediaWiki

MediaWiki is a free Wiki software package licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It is used to run Wikipedia and other projects of the non-profit WikiMedia Foundation, as well as many other wikis.

MediaWiki, the software of Wikipedia

Wikipedia logo image
Wikipedia logo image

You probably know Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and may eventually be a little bit confused by similar, but different, words such as Wiki, WikiMedia, MediaWiki or MediaZilla. To avoid a possible confusion between the words you may first want to read the article about the names where the differences are explained.

Yes, you can easily modify pages and you can (temporarily) publish dummy sentences, and you can even (temporarily) completely destroy a page in a wiki. You don't need to be a hacker to do this. But we suggest you rather exercise yourself within the sandbox to avoid other visitors needing to clean up pages after you.

Exploring the world of MediaWiki

This site is meant to be an introduction and the first access point to the world of MediaWiki. If you want to explore it, use the navigation: Read, learn, discuss, set up your own wiki and be astonished!

If you have a question or a suggestion dealing with this wiki, use the related discussion page. For general questions see the recommended possibilities of communication.

Template:Introduction:Other languages